Saturday, May 17, 2008

Guru Cemerlang Negara Terbilang

Salam semua,

Baru berkesempatan nak update blog, hari nih br sampai umah...yeah, sebab boleh enjoy duk spend hari jalan2, enjoy..
In conjunction Teacher's Day, sy nak ucapkan SELAMAT HARI GURU pada semua guru2 sy dr sy sekolah rendah, sekolah menengah hingga menara gading..Ucapan jutaan terima kasih sy sebab byk mengajar sy sehingga sy seakan penuh dgn ilmu di dada. Walaupun ilmu x kan habis dituntut selagi hayat dikandung badan. Walaupun first step dah berjaya..Alhamdulillah. InsyaAllah, akan sy penuhi ilmu di dada tuk second step plak..InsyaAllah..

Kepada Guru2 sy yg paling akrab dan baik dgn sy and a.k.a ucapkan Selamat Hari Guru.. :)

Teachers help us a lot
With us they create a bond
They teach us what they know
The themes which we don’t know.

They love the students
They are a flower’s fragrance
Sir or ma’am become our friend
When we need them.

Teacher! Teacher!
We call hundred times
When we have a doubt
They are patient and don’t shout.

Geography, History,
English, computer,
Science or Math,
They show us the path.

Teachers are like gold,
And they are brave and bold
They are unique
They teach us easy techniques.

They care for us
When we are not well
If we faint or get hurt
Like a baby they carry us.

Today on the Teachers’ Day
Dedicated to you
We can get together
To do something for you.

Happy Teachers' Day .

Selamat Hari Guru pd Guru2 di seluruh dunia amnya, khasnya MALAYSIA.

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